The photo shows Sue, aged about 20, visiting a Buddhist monastery in Ladakh. In many of the photos from her twenties Sue is surrounded by children – whether travelling in India, or volunteering in Austria with children with disabilities, or with VSO at a Romanian orphanage. During Sue’s funeral I read the eulogy from my…
1965 – 2023 Dear Sue – you were a ragamuffin little child, with a tangled mop of hair. You were generous, impulsive, quick to give…
accredited mindfulness teacher!
I’m delighted to announce that I’m now an accredited Breathworks mindfulness teacher! I’m running my first full course shortly – details below. 🙂 Mindfulness for…
hurry slowly
I don’t have time to be mindful, not now when I’m racing around, already late, and the zip on the backpack just got stuck and…
lost in thought
The journey I’ve done the most the past year is from my computer, and finding myself at the kettle, not really knowing how I got…